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Novel Coronavirus Disease Symptoms and Treatments

Now a days, the entire world is focused on a new pandemic called coronavirus disease (Covid-19). Even though the virus is already familiar to the scientific world, the strain of the virus is novel.  Here we concentrate on some of the important details of coronavirus.

Novel Coronavirus Disease Symptoms and Treatments

What is virus?

A virus is a microscopic organism that a can infect other living cells including human and animals , there by causing disease. The word virus is originated from the Latin word referring to "poison" and other noxious liquids. It was discovered by Dmitri Ivanosky  in 1892which was tobacco mosaic virus affect tobacco plants. The major character of a virus is it can make copies of itself inside the living cell by interfering the genetic material of the affected cell.

What is a "Corona Virus"?

Corona virus are a group of viruses that can cause decease in mammals and birds. In humans it affect respiratory tract infections that ranges from mild illness like common could  to deadly verities including SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), MERS  (Middle east Respiratory Syndrome) and the novel covid-19
 The characteristic club shaped spike that project  from their surface resembles to solar corona from which its name is originated. The word "CORONA" is Latin in origin meaning "crown or wreath". The average diameter of a virus particle is 120nm (12 micrometer ).

Human Corona Virus (HCV)

Corona virus were first discovered in 1930's in animals while HCV were discovered in 2003's (SARS).  The source of HCV is still unknown suspecting and animal origin. The virus has 96% similarity to bat corona virus. So it is suspected to originated from bats. Six species of HCV are known including the following.

SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) :-  In 2003 SARS were reported in Asia. More than 8,000 people were infected and 10% of whom died.

MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) :- It was reported on September 2012. Initially called novel covid-12 later renamed as MERS.
COVID-19 (SARS-COVID-II) :-  In December 2019, the reporting of  a pneumonia out break in Wuhan,China turned to the discovery of a novel strain of corona virus,2019-novel corona virus,later named as SARS-COVID-2. Up to 16 April 2020, around  134780 death and  2089237 confirmed cases on corona virus pandemic.

Symptoms of Corona virus disease (Covid-19 )

Common symptoms :

  • Fever 
  • Tiredness
  • Dry cough

Other symptoms :

  • Aches and pains
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Running nose
  • Sore throat
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty in breathing.
Usually this symptoms are mild  and then gradually increases. Some of the infected people don't express any of the above symptoms and don't feel illness. About 80% of the affected people can recover from the disease without the help of any special treatment. Out of the 6 people who gets covid-19 one become serious.Their is a possibility to develop serious illness in aged people and those suffering with high blood pleasure, heart problems or diabetes. 

Corona virus treatment.

     There is no specific medicines to prevent or treat the novel corona virus. About 80% of the affected people can recover from the disease without the help of any special treatment. Always prevention is better than cure.
     Some specific treatments are under investigation. Any vaccine for the corona virus should focus on the antigenic virus spike protein, look like a crown.


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